Monday, February 8, 2010

Meet Brain..

Me: I should really start a blog.

Brain: Um, that wouldn't be a very practical idea. You don't have time to write or keep up a blog.

Me: Pssshhh.. Quit being a stick in the mud, Blogs are fun!

Brain: Okay, have it your way then.. Write something....

Me: Okay.. I'll write about.. um... ...

Brain: Go on.. Write about what?

Me: Um... I dunno.. Stuff..

Brain: /sarcasm/ I can see this going well.

Me: Quit that..

Brain: Okay, since you seem stuck on this idea of a blog, maybe you should start with an introduction post. Maybe say something about yourself, what you plan to accomplish with your blog and finish by saying something profound that will convince people to read and follow your ramblings.

Me: Huh? You're making this complicated.

Brain: Sometimes I wonder how you're able to tie your shoes in the morning.

Me: What? Don't you help with that?

Brain: No way, I normally sleep till about 8:30 or 9. You keep me up too late at night playing Warcraft.

Me: Oh yeah, that's right.. Speaking of which, we should go run some dungeons toni...

Brain: HEY! Blog.. Focus.. Pay attention..

Me: Okay, but I can blog about Warcraft, right?

Brain: Not all the time.. That would get boring. And your wife probably wouldn't read it..

Me: Oh.. right, good point. I like her. . She's pretty.. /drool ..

Brain: /facepalm... Let's focus about what kind of introduction you're interested in.

Me: HI! I'm Matt!!!!

Brain: That's it? Wow.. Interesting. Not going to mention anything about your amazing wife and two near-perfect children? Maybe that you just graduated college and should be taking the Professional Surveyor License Exam in a couple of months? Maybe include what you like to do or something..

Me: ..... Yep..

Brain: Grrr... Once again I'm going to end up doing all the work. How often do you plan to write in this blog of yours?

Me: Um..

Brain: Have you put much thought into this? You're putting something on the internet that you actually expect people to read.

Me: Hey, Kevin says that Bloggers are Emo..

Brain: Can you stay focused on one topic at a time please?

Me: But I don't want to be accused of being Emo.

Brain: Well some bloggers are, just keep the poetry and song lyrics to a minimum and you should be fine.

Me: There once was a man from nantucket...


Me: Oh, sorry.

Brain: /sigh This is really a horrible idea. Do you have ANYTHING to say that might make someone want to read this?

Me: I'm hungry..

Brain: You're hopeless.