Monday, August 30, 2010

My Diet.. The FAQ. (Long Blog)

Okay, so unless you've been living in a cave, you know I'm on a diet. To say that my diet is going well is an understatement. I've lost 10% of my body mass in 5 weeks. I've been very public with my diet and have gotten a LOT of questions. The purpose of this post is to answer the collection of questions I've gotten (and possibly a few that people are afraid to ask).

So let's get started.

I. Personal Questions:

1.) So you're losing weight. Is this some kind of mid-life crisis. Are you going to get a Motorcycle and a 20 year old girlfriend now?

Nope. Not a mid-life crisis. And I doubt my wife will let me have the bike or the 20 year old. I'm doing this for health reasons. According to The Obesity Society, 90% of people with diabetes are overweight. Since it runs very strongly in my family, I am losing weight to prevent this from happening to me. My mom died due to complications of diabetes. I have an uncle that is suffering from complications of diabetes.

Diabetes is not just "the sugar disease". It opens up a whole can of worms and other problems. Understand that if it runs in your family, and you're overweight and not doing anything about it, you're probably going to die of it. Just deal.

Statistically speaking:

68% of people with diabetes have heart-disease.
75% of people with diabetes have high-blood-pressure
Diabetes is the Leading cause of Blindness among 20-70 year olds. (12,000 to 24,000 cases a year).
Diabetes is the leading cause of Kidney Failure (44% of all reported cases)
60-70% of people with diabetes have mild to severe forms of nervous system damage.
On average, over 70,000 limbs are amputated in America every year as a result of diabetes.

Now I know.. 100% of people die. But I've got a lot to live for. I have an amazing family to live for and I think seeing my grandchildren would be a good thing. I've seen this disease wreak havoc on people. I'm not going down like that. So that's my motivation.

Okay long answer. That was kind of a Public Service Announcement. Move on.

2.) You weren't "That Big". um.. (gulp). well... How much did you weigh?

Calm down. It is okay to ask this question. If you've read my blog, YOU KNOW that I have no problem discussing personal topics.

Well, I'm 5'7" and When I started, I weighed 236, which according to most doctors and BMI indexes is "Severely Obese".

3.) Hummm.. What would you like to get down to?

Well, I'm doing this in 'steps'. My first goal is 180. So I gotta ditch 56 pounds. I think I would be happy with that, but I'm going to keep losing till I stop I suppose.

4.) That's a lot.. How far along are you?

Well in the first 5 weeks, I've lost 22, so I'm off to a good start.

5.) That's pretty good. How are you doing it?

This is bar-none the most common question I get. I'm attacking this problem 3 ways. I am under a doctor's supervision and on medications for weight loss. I am exercising at least 5 days a week. I am also on a strict diet as to what I can eat. Now I'll answer questions regarding each of these categories.

6.) How do you feel?

Honestly, I feel amazing. I feel healthier, stronger, faster, better, etc.. Better than I can remember feeling since middle school. Getting the bad foods out of my diet has made an amazing improvement.

II. The Doctor

1.) A doctor? What the heck?

I am seeing Dr. Bonnie Green at "The Weight Place" in Starke. She specializes in weight loss. She came highly recommended after some members of my family have had great success with her.

2.) Okay, how much does that cost you?

My first doctor's visit was $150.00. Each follow-up (monthly) is $50.00. The medications cost me about $30.00 per month.

3.) Medications?

I'm on two pills a day. Half of an Adipex (which is an appetite suppressant), and a Zonegran (which is a seizure/migraine medication that she prescribes 'off-label' because it has weight loss side affects. But on the positive side, I've not had a migraine since I started this diet. :) )

Adipex is a stimulant and a controlled substance. It will show up on a drug test and is technically an amphetamine. That's why I have to go back every month. Controlled substances can't have refills apparently.

4.) Do the pills make you feel funny?

Not really. I have a lot of energy, but it's not 'jittery energy'. I just feel awake and alert. My hands don't shake. I don't feel like I've had 17 cups of coffee. I am simply alert. I do not crash, but I do have a bit harder time getting up in the mornings I think. Otherwise, I'd say no change.

III. Your Diet.

1.) So you're on pills, what kind of diet are you on?

Lots of protein. Included with the first doctor's visit is a long sit-down with a dietitian. She got me on a very lo-carb diet for the first 'phase' of my diet. So now I eat a lot of meats and cheeses. I also drink a lot of protein shakes. I try to keep it under less than 40g of carbs a day but rarely make that.

2.) Of all the diets out there, why lo-carb?

Well, (all this is according to the dietitian lady). When you eat carbs, it turns to sugar. When it turns to sugar quickly, your body produces a spike of insulin to compensate. When your body is producing insulin, it does not burn fat. She said that a lot better than I did, but that's the general point.

3.) Hey now, wait a second. I saw you eating a..... (insert food here)

I occasionally cheat. But I try to cheat in a 'good way'. When I do eat carbs, i try to eat carbs that are 'brown'. Like brown rice, sweet potatoes, wheat bread, etc.. This kind of carb takes longer to break down into sugar and will not produce that insulin spike that prevents fat burning.
When I'm on my own during the week, the diet is easy. Resturants and group gatherings make it a bit harder to follow.

IV. Exercise

1.) What's with all this running?

The second most common question I get. I have friends that run. They seemed to enjoy it, so when it came time to pick an exercise for me.. this is the way I went.

2.) So do you like it?

I know this is going to sound odd. But I'm starting to crave it. I've been doing it about a month and I look forward to it now.

I like the feeling of beating my last time, going farther/faster/longer than I did my last run. I like that feeling of pushing my body harder than I have before and making progress. I like the knowledge that with every step, I get farther and farther away from my mother's fate.

I also like keeping up with my runs and looking at numerical progress. It's becoming like a game to me.

3.) How do you keep up with your runs again?

My shoes talk to me. ...... ...

Okay not really. So I bought a PAIR OF SHOES that has a place in it's sole for a MICROCHIP that will communicate wirelessly with my iPod Touch.

For more information on how this works. You can click on THIS LINK .

It also automatically posts my runs to Facebook when I sync my iPod. (Sorry about the spam). I even get a screensaver featuring my "mini" (blog picture) making comments on my running (or lack thereof).

4.) How far do you run?

Right now my standard workout is 5k. I'm doing it in about 35m. (Which breaks down to about 11.5min a mile if you do the math).

And before you ask. No, I don't run the entire way, I walk some. My goal is to run more than I did the day before. I'm up to running over a mile on the first stretch, and then walking till I catch my breath and going at it again.

5.) How far do you want to take your running?

Well, I have a secret desire to do the GATE RIVER RUN next year (March). So I'm going to start working towards running a 15k. My goal is not to win. But to finish. It's a good goal, and will keep me on the weght-loss train.

6.) So, all you're doing is running?

No, I start weight training today with Hal. (wish me luck).


So that's pretty much it.

The pills help, but I'm sure anyone can do well without them. If you've got a question that I didn't address, feel free to ask.

So now I'm recruiting. If you'd like to join me down this road and there's something I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask.

The plan I'm on is not for the feint of heart.
This is for people that discover that they have more to live for than what they put in their mouths.
This is for people that are willing to deny themselves those things that society says is fun, okay, or a 'treat' so that they feel better than they ever have.
This is for people that will take pain, soreness, etc in exchange for spending more time with their children.
Basically, this is for people that aren't going down like that.

This might be for you.